Time for a new look? Why not let us help you set the right foundations for you to build a wardrobe on.

Let us advise you on the best styles, shapes and colors to suit you. From mainstream malls or designer boutiques to pre-loved. Shop on any budget.

Let us educate and entertain your staff, guests or group of friends.

Develop a wardrobe that suits your body, budget and lifestyle with an all inclusive colour, style and wardrobe session.

Helping you spend wisely on clothing that looks good, suits you and inspires confidence

Helping men find the right look with a practical and problem-solving solution to wardrobe woes

Together we will do a full evaluation of your wardrobe, re organise, de-clutter and find combinations that work.

A highly professional but time efficient personal colour and shape styling session that you can fit into your lunchtime or want to do before you shop

Don’t let the stress of getting dressed in the morning be the beginning of your day. Do you look in your wardrobe and see nothing to wear? Do you struggle with putting clothing combinations together? Our Wardrobe ReVamp package allows you to clearly see what needs to stay, needs to go and what goes together.

Experience shopping with your friends or family members having Trudi or Sarah guide you to different shops while you experience the fun of trying of styles you would never have picked out yourself!