So I’ve just finished another fabulous winter fashion event for Westfield St Lukes up in Auckland. Gosh I met some wonderful people. Who are the people that come to these types of events? well I can tell you it’s a variety of people from ALL walks of life.

There are those that have always struggled with certain aspects of personal styling. Like, putting outfits together (very common) and trying to ‘hide’ certain aspects of their body (mainly boobs and tummies). There are those that LOVE clothes, but have no clue about what colours suit their skin tone. There are those that don’t think they have any clue whatsoever but actually understand and know more than they give themselves credit so for these people it’s encouraging them to trust their instincts.

I saw an ER nurse who was an identical twin and was the practical tomboy one out of her and her sister. I met retired women who travel and need easy clothes to do this with. I met young ladies just starting out in the workforce and teens looking for school ball dresses.

Everyone, no matter what age wants the same thing. To feel confident in the clothing they own, leave the house feeling stylish and age appropriate and ready to take on the day with confidence. When they spend their money, whether it’s $50 or $500, they want to know it’s money well spent.

These events allow people to gain access to professional advice on how to do all these things. I can always tell those who I might see as an individual because I see their eyes light up and they start asking lots of questions. Their brains going ‘OMG I can actually get this problem solved’ and all that can’t often be done in 20 minutes. So I look forward to seeing them again and helping them on their journey of confidence. Just like I can help you.

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