Welcome to our new website and my new blog! This is going to have to be a bit of a lifestyle blog I’m afraid as I have so much more to talk about than just fashion! I truly believe there is beauty in so many things in life, including one of my favourite things, Birdsong, hence the name of the blog. So when I’m inspired by nature, or home decors, or a beautiful client’s story, or a product I love, I’m want to share that with you too!

Some of my blogs will be giving advice on styling with quite a lot of detail, other blogs may be about lifestyle issues, events, products or interactions I’ve had with wonderful people and clients. Please also feel free to send me any questions you may want me to blog about!

At the very crux of what I do and what I believe I’m best at is connecting with people. I love interactions with men and women, in person and online, which I why I also love my social media channels and encourage you to follow and interact with me on them!

So buckle up and enjoy the ride. Let’s get connecting and I’d be thrilled if you signed up to my ongoing free styling tips newsletter. That way if you are here to learn more about how to dress the best you can for your colours, body shape, age and budget, then I’ll be able to let you know all the style hacks I’ve learnt over the last 15 years.


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Experienced Personal Stylists based in Auckland and Wellington.

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