Do you struggle knowing what to wear each morning and often leave the house not feeling confident about your personal appearance? Firstly if you answered yes, then let me tell you, you are not alone. I meet people daily in my job as a personal stylist who feel like this. There are many reasons it can be a struggle, but I want to assure people, no matter what size, shape, age or profession, you CAN look great, and do the very best with what you have.

As soon as you step outside of your house into public, you represent yourself with what you wear. Understand that people’s first impression is non-verbal and comes down to your personal presentation. That’s the cold hard facts. People like to say they don’t care about what they wear to the supermarket, but when I ask who they tend to meet there, they often say ‘everyone I know’. 

How much more important does this now become when you are not only representing yourself but also your company or employer? I can’t tell you how often I am approached by companies who have wonderful, talented amazing people doing an excellent job who they would love to fast track with their career but feel that their presentation skills are a piece of the puzzle that is going to hold them back. 

This isn’t just about people who go out and meet clients. Or even the ultimate time to make the best first impression, a job interview. It’s all workers. Unless you are wearing a corporate uniform, how you dress portrays important signals to those around you. Whether it’s during meetings with your team members and bosses, or standing getting coffee in at the local cafe. 

Try to wear the right outfit knowing what you will be doing for the day, so keep it practical but stylish. Decide what you will wear the night before always helps and remember, being overdressed is always preferable to being undressed. 

GO forth and be confident in how you represent yourself. You are fantastic and once you realise that can also be expressed through what you wear, you will nail any first impression you have with anyone.

Trudi XX

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